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1212 College Ave. Suite A
Santa Rosa, CA 95404

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Read What Our Participants Have to Say

“We walked in as foster children from a dysfunctional / non verbal couple, but using the principles to managing conflict, we walked out able to see through each others eyes.”

“I cannot thank you enough. My wife and I experienced one of the best weekends we have shared together in years. Her words were “life changing” as a way of describing the workshop. For me it was an answered prayer, one in which I hoped for a marriage built on trust and commitment, and most of all-­‐friendship. Keep up the great work, you definitely made fans out of us!” 
-Anonymous Workshop Participant

“We had spent a year in marriage counseling a few years ago - were given no tools. We feel that we gained more ground in 16 hours than we did in ……52 weeks. Very valuable. Thank you! With love!” 
-Anonymous Workshop Participant

“The tools and teaching were most helpful. The materials were clearly covered and not belabored. I thought Marcia and Michael were a great complimentary team.” 
-Anonymous Workshop Participant

"Thank you thank you! We were on the brink of separating after 11 years of marriage when we came to your retreat last weekend. We still have serious issues to resolve, but now we have the tools to chip away at them. Multiple times per day we are using the skills that you gave us, and I am much more hopeful about our future than I was last week."  
-Anonymous Workshop Participant

I had the good fortune to attend one of Michael Basta and Marcia Gomez's excellent Gottman training workshops. Besides the incredibly useful material they presented, both Mike and Marcia have a very lively, warm, and engaging teaching style. The entire group felt a tremendous sense of satisfaction and excitement about the day, with many in our group immediately wondering how soon we could get them back for another day of Gottman training."

-Daniel Pickar, Ph.D
Clinical Psychologist and professional training seminar participant






“I can’t thank you enough! Mike Basta and Marcia Gomez are excellent trainers. My husband was so validated and inspired by the first day and during that second we made great progress restoring respect and balance. Gave us a fresh start." 
-Anonymous Workshop Participant

"I recommend this program to all committed couples. However well your relationship is going, you will almost certainly gain valuable insights and develop skills for making it even better." 
Silvia A. Bunge, Ph.D. 
Professor, Department of Psychology & 
Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute
Director, Building Blocks of Cognition Laboratory
University of California at Berkeley

“I highly endorse Mike Basta and Marcia Gomez’ couples workshop from a professional and a personal perspective. The workshop is research-based, accessible, highly useful, and enlightening regardless of where the couple is on the journey for intimacy. In fact, this course should be a prerequisite for all couples prior to marriage or living together. Thank you Mike and Marcia. Keep up the good work." 
-Rebecca Bailey, Ph.D 
Clinical Psychologist and Workshop Participant

“You are both outstanding presenters and trainers. The exercises gave us a very wonderful chance to connect on a deeper, more intimate level than our busy lives allow. Helped me to remember things I love about my husband. Thank you so much!" 
-Anonymous Workshop Participant